Iron Making System

Iron Making System

Sintering Project
Business Scope

Sinosteel MECC provides full aspect services for various sintering projects, covering EPC/EP contract execution, equipment and spare parts supply, project management & consultancy, ect., has successfully completed about 20 sintering projects on EPC/EP basis.
Effective Suction Area: 52m2 - 450m2
• 360m2 Sinter Plant (EPC) for Liuzhou Iron & Steel Corporation
Contracted in February 2007, the project was successfully put into production on January 22, 2008.
265m2 Sinter Plant(EPC)for Baosteel Xinjiang Bayi Steel Plant
Started from March 28, 2006, the project was successfully commissioned on December 18,2006. The construction period only took 8 months, hitting the record of the shortest construction period among similar projects in China.
300 m2 Sinter Plant (EP) for ISDEMIR, Turkey 198m2 Sinter Plant (EP) for ISPAT, India
In August 2003, Sinosteel MECC contracted with Ispat Industries Umited, India for its 198m2 Sinter Plant on EP basis. In December 2005, the sinter plant was successfully put into production.

Coke Oven and By-product Project
Business Scope

Sinosteel MECC provides full aspect services for Coke Oven, Coke Oven Machines, By-product Recovery System, Coke Dry Quenching, Coal wetting and Tar further processing projects, covering EPCJEP contract execution, equipment and spare parts supply, project management & consultancy.

• Non-recovery Coke Oven: Up to 96 ovens, 400,OOOtla for single row
• Side-charging and Stamping Coke Oven: Chamber Height including 4.3m, 5.5m oven types
• Top-charging Coke Oven: Chamber Height up to 7.0m

l.5MT Stamping Coke Oven project with By-product Plant (EP) for JSW Steel Limited
Contracted on April 19th, 2006, the project includes 4 x 56 ovens, 4.3m Coke Oven Batteries with by-product system with capacity of 1 ,500,000 ton gross coke per year. The first push was successfully produced in June 2008, and until February 2009, all the four batteries were put into production, and the designed capacity was successfully achieved in July 2009.

l.3MTTop-charge Coke Oven Project (EP) for ISDEMIR, Turkey
This project includes 2 x 65 ovens, 6m Coke Oven Batteries with capacity of 650,000 ton per year each. Project was successfully put into production in December 2007 and passedthe FAT in December 2008.
150Vh Coke Dry Quenching Project for Liuzhou Iron & Steel Corporation
Contracted in 2006, the CDQ system is to match the No.6 and No.7 Coke Oven Batteries of Uuzhou Iron & Steel Corporation, whose capacity is 1.16MT per year with the 55 ovens of 6m height each, and was successfully put into production and passed FAT in 2007.
1.2MT Coke Oven Project ofSumitomo Metal
On June 2, 2009, Nol &2 Coke oven batteries ofSumltomo Metal 1 .2mtcoke oven projeCt wassoccessful puI no production. The contract includes 2. set of coke oven batteries, each of 6S ovens wnh 6 meter carbonaatJon ~ Sumitomo Metal 1 .2mt coke oven project IS the largest project scale of coke oven protect bu 11 by ChInese comc:wnes in developed contnes.

Blast Furnace Project
Business Scope
Sinosteel MECC provides full aspect services for various scale Blast Furnace projects, covering EPClEP contract execution, equipment and spare parts supply, project management & consultancy, ect., has successfully completed above 20 BF projects on EPClEP basis.

Effective Volume: 380m3 ~ 4350m3

• 3x2350m3 BF (EPC) for Cangzhou Zongheng Industries Limited

The contract for No.1 BF was signed in January 2007, and was put into production in May 2008, creating the shortest construction period of similar projects in China. The contract for No.2 & NO.3 BFs was signed in December 2007, they are scheduled to put into production by the end of 2009 and August 201 0 respectively.

30S0m3 BF (EP) for ISDEMIR, Turkey
The project was contracted in November 2005 and is the largest SF contracted by Chinese enterprises in oversea market Up to April 2008, all the equipments had been transported to the site, and the erection work is on its full wing, and it is scheduled to put into production in March 2011.

Complete Set Equipment Supply Contracts for 4063m3 SF (Phase II) and 4350m3 SF (Phase ill) of Saosteel were awarded in 1986 and 1991 respectively.   450m3 SF & 380m3 SF (EPC) for Xingcheng Special Steel Corporation from 2001-2003